Following last year's success, this 3rd online edition of Waterwheel World Water Day Symposium – 3WDS14 – will be hosted during the week leading up to and concluding on World Water Day, 22 March 2014.

Scientists, academics, artists, architects, urbanists, engineers, practitioners, activists, inventors and water drinkers are invited to submit projects and papers, performances, panels and workshops on the theme “Water Views: Caring and Daring”.

3WDS14 will explore questions about how we are living, and will continue to live, with water and its contrasts. There is a demand for new perceptions and approaches to water management, urban planning, and cooperation, as well as for a renewed respect for water as a vital resource and shared heritage.

3WDS14 will take place on the Internet platform and in ‘nodes’. Nodes are physical venues for screening portions of the programme to local audiences, as well as for hosting presenters. The symposium is a week-long series of online events representing a diverse collection of geographically-dispersed individuals and communities, with nodes, so far, in San Francisco, New York, Buenos Aires, Tunis, Berlin, Coburg, Poznan, Torun, Paris, Syracuse, Athens, Hydra and Cairns.

For more information go to waterwheel