A selection of Jason’s old arrow signs are being exhibited in Berlin as part of A—Z’s new exhibition GRAPHIC.DESIGNERS.COLLECTORS.

Over 30 invited graphic designers are presenting their own personal collections: from poster stamps to toilet paper, fake documents and queer fanzines – many surprising, very specific and above all unique personal collections and their stories displayed for appreciation and reflection on the topic and its relation to graphic design. The show asks: “if collectors are designers, what can their collections tell us about graphic design?”

Jason writes: “The arrow seems like such a primary graphic symbol, even though they were probably only first used in the eighteenth century. They seem to me as potent and primitive as the cruciform. In a world of uncertainty, when so many other signs cause confusion, an arrow can always definitively answer the question “ which way do I go?”. And is there ever a layout that can’t be improved by adding an arrow to the composition?

Arrow signs appeal because they are both beautiful, powerful images, and ordinary utilitarian objects. And they are public visual messages that offer constructive assistance rather than a seductive sales pitch.

I don’t like counting collected things, as the point ('scuse the pun) is never to amass the most, or even a certain number of them. For the collection I don’t want anything too big or showy (no neon Vegas marquees) – just basic, discarded but beautiful utilitarian directional symbols, preferably with all the visible wear and tear of their past.”


until 17 Feb 2022 at A—Z
Torstrasse 93
10119 Berlin-Mitte

Collections by: Hala Al Afsaa, Sally Alassafen, Anna Berkenbusch, Anky Brandt, Pauline Clancy, Niko Courtelis, Sara De Bondt, Barbara Dechant, Philippe Delangle, Ronny Duquenne, Markus Etienne, Kinda Ghannoum, Jason Grant, Juli Gudehus, Sarah Illenberger, Sara Kaaman, Rob Keller, Na Kim, Oliver Klimpel, Sonja Knecht, Anja Lutz, Fraser Muggeridge, Heinrich Müller, Jens Müller, Isabel Naegele, Peter Nencini, Lucienne Roberts, Bernard Stein, Szymon Stemplewski, Katharina Sussek, Patrick Thomas, Andrea Tinnes, Niklaus Troxler, Sven Völker, Henning Wagenbreth, Mark van Wageningen, Margaret Warzecha.

 Photography Hans-Georg Gaul