Keep Coal in the GroundQCC

A campaign identity for Queensland Conservation promoting the idea of no new coal mines and a shift away from the reliance on coal as urgent and achievable tasks.

Australia uses around 70% coal power for electricity. Around 90% of our current coal reserves will need to be left in the ground for Australia to help limit global warming to no more than 2C.

According to the Climate Council: “Work by ClimateWorks Australia and ANU shows Australia can decarbonise the economy with little or no cost through energy efficiency, low-carbon electricity (renewables, nuclear and carbon capture and storage), and electrification and fuel switching (from petrol to electricity or biofuel).”

The campaign focuses on engaging the broad electorate in a readily relatable language. The logos are bold typographic illustrations – evoking the impact of open cut mining, and suggesting the subterranean sedimentary nature of coal (its rightful place!)